Simon Golden, Ph.D.- Organizational Psychology
Helping executives, founders, and other business leaders to create a legacy, scale their business and build credibility by writing a value-packed book.
Books Coached or Ghostwritten
Curating Your Life:
Ending the struggle for work-life balance by Gail Golden, PhD | Strategic Advisor and Principal at Gail Golden Consulting | Award-wining book published by Rowman & Littlefield.
The Financial Mindset Fix
A Mental Fitness Program for an Abundant Life by Joyce Marter | Keynote Speaker and Corporate Trainer at Joyce Marter Enterprises | Published by Sounds True.
How to be a Transformative Principal
Jethro Jones, Founder of Transformative Principal | Keynote Speaker. Published by John Catt Educational.
The Athlete Within
How to build your mental game for peak performance by Kate Allgood, Mental Performance Coach | Founder & CEO at Quantum Performance Inc.
Embracing the Teardrops
Your exclusive End-of-Life Planning Guide by Patricia Myers | Owner and Founder of Embracing the Teardrops
Me Power
Redefines empowerment, encouraging us to tap into our limitless flow of possibility while connecting with others by LaNysha T. Adams, Ph.D. Product Manager | Data-Driven Strategist | 5x Award-Winning Author.
Racist Roots
How Racism has affected Trees and People in Our Cities- and What We Can Do Abou It by Christine Carmichael | Founder and Principal at Fair Forests Consulting
The Fourth Industrial Revolution and 100 Years of AI:
How AI has become mystical and magical for most people and how it can be used as a tool or as a weapon. The book aims to demystify AI and expose its achievements and limitations by Dr. Alok Aggarwal | CEO, Chairman and Chief Data Scientist of Scry AI
Creature Comforts in Space
This is a popular science book about the human challenges of living in space and using them as design constraints for better off-world living by Samuel Coniglio IV | Technical Writer | Space Futurist
The Lifeguard
The Handbook for Restorative Justice and Community Reentry by John Ptasinki | This handbook guides individuals in reentry on a transformative journey | Transformational Coach and Founder of The Lifeguard Community
Consolidated Wisdom
The Ultimate Book of Quotations for Success, Happiness and Health by Gene Jones | It's a profound collection of wisdom phrases and commentaries with a special focus on Business and Leadership | Game Show Host and Creative Director at Royal Production Services
Thriving on Creativity
A Leader's Guide to Building a Creative Future by Julian Ryder | This book is designed to help leaders and their organizations live up to their creative potential | Founder and Chief Creative Officer for The Right Brain Project.
The book opened up “A whole new world of business”-
Joyce Marter | CEO |
National Keynote Speaker
The Financial Mindset Fix is receiving praise from many notable authors, including Seth Godin, who writes: "Money is a story, one that too often is against us. When you're ready to engage with intention, this book can help rewrite your story"
— Seth Godin, Author of The Practice
Keynote requests flooded in from readers of her book
Strategic Advisor | Performance Coach | Speaker
Gail published her book, Curating your Life, with Rowman and Littlefield. After publishing her book, Gail received many keynote speech requests and has achieved a TED talk as a result of writing the book. She talks about how the book enhanced her management consulting business.
A 6 figure job offer and many new clients from readers of his book
Jethro Jones / Educational Consultant
Jethro published his book with John Catt Educational. Jethro received an influx of business and a 6 figure job offer as a result of the book.
A legacy book made the stakes higher for her
Lisa Tener / Author of Breathe. Write. Breathe.
Book an exploratory Chat
Everyone’s journey to writing a book is a little different. Let’s figure out strategies that work with your preferences and desired level of involvement.
You Write + I Coach
As you write, I coach you and offer feedback on content and structure.
You Interview + I Ghostwrite
I interview you and write your story in your voice and give you all the credit.