Simon Golden, Ph.D.- Organizational Psychology

Helping executives, founders, and other business leaders to create a legacy, scale their business and build credibility by writing a value-packed book.

Books Coached or Ghostwritten

  • Curating Your Life:

    Ending the struggle for work-life balance by Gail Golden, PhD | Strategic Advisor and Principal at Gail Golden Consulting | Award-wining book published by Rowman & Littlefield.

  • The Financial Mindset Fix

    A Mental Fitness Program for an Abundant Life by Joyce Marter | Keynote Speaker and Corporate Trainer at Joyce Marter Enterprises | Published by Sounds True.

  • How to be a Transformative Principal

    Jethro Jones, Founder of Transformative Principal | Keynote Speaker. Published by John Catt Educational.

  • The Athlete Within

    How to build your mental game for peak performance by Kate Allgood, Mental Performance Coach | Founder & CEO at Quantum Performance Inc.

  • Embracing the Teardrops

    Your exclusive End-of-Life Planning Guide by Patricia Myers | Owner and Founder of Embracing the Teardrops

  • Me Power

    Redefines empowerment, encouraging us to tap into our limitless flow of possibility while connecting with others by LaNysha T. Adams, Ph.D. Product Manager | Data-Driven Strategist | 5x Award-Winning Author.

  • Racist Roots

    How Racism has affected Trees and People in Our Cities- and What We Can Do Abou It by Christine Carmichael | Founder and Principal at Fair Forests Consulting

  • The Fourth Industrial Revolution and 100 Years of AI:

    How AI has become mystical and magical for most people and how it can be used as a tool or as a weapon. The book aims to demystify AI and expose its achievements and limitations by Dr. Alok Aggarwal | CEO, Chairman and Chief Data Scientist of Scry AI

  • Creature Comforts in Space

    This is a popular science book about the human challenges of living in space and using them as design constraints for better off-world living by Samuel Coniglio IV | Technical Writer | Space Futurist

  • The Lifeguard

    The Handbook for Restorative Justice and Community Reentry by John Ptasinki | This handbook guides individuals in reentry on a transformative journey | Transformational Coach and Founder of The Lifeguard Community

  • Consolidated Wisdom

    The Ultimate Book of Quotations for Success, Happiness and Health by Gene Jones | It's a profound collection of wisdom phrases and commentaries with a special focus on Business and Leadership | Game Show Host and Creative Director at Royal Production Services

  • Coming this Fall!

    Thriving on Creativity

    A Leader's Guide to Building a Creative Future by Julian Ryder | This book is designed to help leaders and their organizations live up to their creative potential | Founder and Chief Creative Officer for The Right Brain Project.

The book opened up “A whole new world of business”- 

Joyce Marter | CEO |

National Keynote Speaker

The Financial Mindset Fix is receiving praise from many notable authors, including Seth Godin, who writes: "Money is a story, one that too often is against us. When you're ready to engage with intention, this book can help rewrite your story"

— Seth Godin, Author of The Practice

Keynote requests flooded in from readers of her book

Strategic Advisor | Performance Coach | Speaker

Gail published her book, Curating your Life, with Rowman and Littlefield. After publishing her book, Gail received many keynote speech requests and has achieved a TED talk as a result of writing the book. She talks about how the book enhanced her management consulting business.

A 6 figure job offer and many new clients from readers of his book

Jethro Jones / Educational Consultant

Jethro published his book with John Catt Educational. Jethro received an influx of business and a 6 figure job offer as a result of the book.

A legacy book made the stakes higher for her

Lisa Tener / Author of Breathe. Write. Breathe.

Book an exploratory Chat


Everyone’s journey to writing a book is a little different. Let’s figure out strategies that work with your preferences and desired level of involvement.

You Write + I Coach

As you write, I coach you and offer feedback on content and structure.

You Interview + I Ghostwrite

I interview you and write your story in your voice and give you all the credit.